dimanche 30 octobre 2011

Hong Kong and Cairns so far!!!

Hi everybody!

so, as i promised, here are some little news from us: we landed in Cairns 2 days ago after having spent 4 very nice days in Hong Kong. HK was great, impressive actually! skyscrapers everywhere in the city center, very very modern shopping malls with all the expensive brands you can look for and then 2 streets further you will find very local chinese streets with local markets where Wouter dragged me... my stomach wasnt feeling so well because of all the smell!
We, however, enjoyed our hotel room without a window!, a thai restaurant where friends brought us, the peak tram where you can have a beautiful view on Hong Kong bay and Kowloon, our visit to the eldest hotel of Hong Kong: the Peninsula and finally a 1 star Michelin Dim Sum restaurant right before our flight from HK to Cairns!

Since we arrived in Cairns we have managed to enjoy our backpackers hostel!! :) the owner is irish, its very clean except we've been bitten all over our legs since we landed!!
We have been able to take advantage of Cairns' esplanade and artifical lagoon because it is 33 degrees here, we have also been to an aboriginal village this morning called Kuranda and tomorrow is our first excursion to the great barrier reef to snorkel for 5 hours!! We cannot wait and will post pics as soon as we have beautiful ones! Here in Cairns there is a magnificent wildlife going on, even in the streets of the city center: wild parrots, black gooses etc...

speak to you later! emjoy the pictures so far!

love xxx

sarah and wouter

Hong Kong city!

Hong Kong

samedi 15 octobre 2011


Hi there everybody,
We decided to create this blog in order for all of you french and dutch to follow our trip to Australia!
We are leaving in exactly 7 days for our 1st stop in Hong Kong before landing in Cairns on october 28th!
We'll try to keep this blog as updated as possible along our journey so please visit this blog whenever you feel like it.

Will probably post our first pictures in about 10 days...