vendredi 4 novembre 2011

Cairns + Cape Tribulation + Magnetic Island

Hi there!

As I promised, I will try update this blog once every week or a bit more if possible, but as you can imagine our days are very very busy and we're running everywhere to make the most of our trip and to enjoy as many things as possible while we are here, at the other end of our continent!

So, since the last time I wrote on the blog, we did actually make our scuba diving/snorkeling day excursion last Monday, we departed at 8am from the reef terminal of Cairns and were expecting to snorkel on 3 different spots, but before we could do this, we had a 2 hours 1/2 boat drive to the snorkeling spot. Well these 2 hours 1/2 of rough sea didn't do me good as I began being sea sick from the way in.... until the actual way back, so for 5 straight hours I couldn't move from my seat on the boat and was sick. Wouter, on the other hand, made it ok to the snorkeling spots and got to swim with beautiful fish (he managed to take some pictures to show me on his way up on the boat!).

On Monday night, we celebrated Halloween at a Australian bbq party hosted by our hostel where we learned how to play didgeridoo and tasted some kangaroo, croc, emu and famous australian fish which they are very proud of but doesn't taste like fish at all: barramundi! The kangaroo actually tasted pretty good but the others not that much... We then finished the night at an irish pub with some other backpackers.

On Wednesday we went on our 2 days/1night trip to Cape Tribulation and Port Douglas, the only place on earth where rainforest meets reef, it was beautiful! We has a cabin on the beach and were able to make a 4 hours hike through a partly beach partly rainforest walk but weren't allowed to swim in the sea because of stingrays and box jellyfish presence.We heard great stories about Aboriginals culture and believes!

This morning, very early, we took the greyhound bus to drive from Cairns to Townsville where we took a short ferry to magnetic island. This island is beautiful, wildlife is crazy here: koalas, crocodiles, snakes, parrots... Tomorrow we are actually going to rent a golf open air car to drive along the several beaches of this very small island where we can finally swim in the sea because of limited areas secured by nets!!! 

Speak to you soon!!


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