mercredi 30 novembre 2011

Sydney+Blue Mountains

Here we are, this is probably one of my lasts posts as Sydney is our last stop... sad and unbelievable how 5 weeks went by so fast and how much we've seen and done!
Wetook a night bus from Byron Bay toSydney on Saturday night and arrived in Sydney around midday last Sunday under a beautiful sun... and seeing the opera house from the bus when we entered Sydney was amazing!
We spent our first half day in Sydney on Sydney's Opera House Harbour and went shopping (window shopping lol) on George Street and the Market City. We were exhausted by 6pm and made it a very early night as we were leaving for the Blue Mountains the next morning. We hopped on th 2 hour-ride train to Katoomba (Blue Mountains point), dropped our luggage at the YHA and hurried directly to the famous 3 sisters (3 beautiful sand rocks), and ended up doing a 2 hour walk to the waterfalls and he famous echo point of the blue mountains and taking the steepest mining train which was fun! On our 2nd day in the Blue Mountains was our canyoning day which Wouter was so much looking forward too. The views we had while canyoning were breathtaking as we were literally inside the canyons, jumping into waterfalls (don't worry mum, we had a guide! :)) and climbing up rocks! The water was however so cold (15 degrees) andbecause i was the only girl, our guide asked me to wear 5 layers of warm clothes under and on top of my wetsuit...which was great for the cold water but really bad for the weight that i had to carry around the whole day while climbing rocks, on top of the backpack we were caring, and making my way up some really steep walks... you would have to picture my backpack and my 5 layers pulling me backwards everywhere and every 5mins!!! lol
In the end, Wouter and myself really enjoyed our day of canyoning but although Wouter will for sure canyon again in the future, I have decided on my side that it is a bit too physical for me and much too cold!!!!! :)

We've now been back in Sydney since yesterday and have visited Draling Harbour, which is a really nice area to hang around, heaps of cafes, restaurants, a lovely view over the islands off Sydney. Today we have been walking around Sydney's eldest area: The Rocks and have been window shopping AGAIN to decide on what to bring our families back!

Tomorrow we are heading to famous Bondi Beach (30mins away from Sydney) and will take it slow as Wouter is sick since our night bus of last saturday because of our constant change from airco to really warm weather... but I will bring him back in healthy conditions I promise! Sunday we are flying to Hong Kong and by Wednesday we will already be back home with our minds full our souvenirs ;)

love xxx

Sarah & Wouter

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